
I Just Shot Someone With a Byrna... Now What?

You’ve just had to deploy your Byrna launcher to defend yourself against an attacker… now what?

The first thing to remember after a deployment is to get to safety. Even if the assailant has fled the location, you should get somewhere that you know is secure.

Call the police as soon as you can. If other people were present, its likely they may be calling the police as well, but who knows what they will tell them, so make sure they get the facts directly from YOU.

When you do call, tell the dispatcher these things:

-Who you are and where you are

-What you are wearing so police can quickly identify you on arrival

-That you used a Byrna less-lethal launcher to defend yourself -And give them a description of the suspect and where they are or which way they fled

-Try not to say too much more to the dispatcher, but if you are in an area that may not be completely secure, stay on the line with them until police arrive.

This is important: Make sure you do NOT have the launcher in your hands when police arrive. Stow it before their arrival, or if you have to keep it out to make sure you or others stay safe, place it on the ground AS SOON as you see officers arriving on the scene.

With these tips you should be confident that even if you do have to use your launcher against a threat you will still be prepared to defend.