Byrna 發射器包裹讓您可以在幾個小時或更短的時間內隱藏、保護和定制您的發射器。這種易於安裝的包裝可以讓您為高清發射器添加非永久性乙烯基飾面。
Byrna 發射器包裹 100% 防水、不反光,美國製造,是一件很棒的個性單品!
Byrna Wrap 和 GunSkin Wrap 有什麼區別? Byrna Wrap 是專為 Byrna HD Launcher 設計的定制剪裁。不需要修剪。
A Byrna is a compact non-lethal personal self-defense device. We believe these launchers to be the safest, most effective and most reliable non-lethal self defense weapons on the market today.
The Byrna Launcher is not considered a firearm, however, it is not a toy! It is a highly effective less-lethal weapon. While it is legal to carry in all 50 states*, it should only be used for lawful purposes, including self-defense. Like any other weapon, be it a hammer, knife or baseball bat, the Byrna should never be brandished or used in a threatening manner, except as necessary in the defense of oneself or others.
No. The Byrna SD is powered by compressed CO2 cartridges, just like a paintball or airsoft gun.
The Byrna is roughly the size of a compact 9mm handgun. We sell tactical holsters that have been custom designed to comfortably hold your Byrna as well as nylon holsters designed for compact 9mm handguns. Please see the Product Spec Sheet for more info.
Byrnas not equipped with an orange tip because they are not toys. The orange tip is designed to convey that “gun” is not an actual weapon. The Byrna is a weapon, albeit a less-lethal weapon. Accordingly, we do not sell to anyone under 18.