Byrna Shield Product cannot be shipped to Connecticut. Read More
Byrna supports our heroes. Military, First-Responders and Teachers receive 10% off. (*restrictions apply, discount taken at checkout)
Byrna Shield Backpack Body Armor 是一款輕薄(14 盎司)、靈活的 IIIA 級防彈板,可以像學校筆記本一樣輕鬆插入標準尺寸的學生背包。它可以承受速度高達 1,464 英尺/秒的 .44 magnum 子彈的 6 次命中。
向前支付:每次購買的 10% 都會捐給 Meadow Pollack 紀念基金,為市中心的學童提供防彈背包防彈衣和其他學習用品。
最多可阻擋 .44 萬能子彈
極輕(14 盎司)且非常薄
所有 Byrna Shield 收益的 10% 捐贈給 Meadow's Movement 以促進學校安全並為貧困學生提供盾牌
A Byrna is a compact non-lethal personal self-defense device. We believe these launchers to be the safest, most effective and most reliable non-lethal self defense weapons on the market today.
The Byrna Launcher is not considered a firearm, however, it is not a toy! It is a highly effective less-lethal weapon. While it is legal to carry in all 50 states*, it should only be used for lawful purposes, including self-defense. Like any other weapon, be it a hammer, knife or baseball bat, the Byrna should never be brandished or used in a threatening manner, except as necessary in the defense of oneself or others.
No. The Byrna SD is powered by compressed CO2 cartridges, just like a paintball or airsoft gun.
The Byrna is roughly the size of a compact 9mm handgun. We sell tactical holsters that have been custom designed to comfortably hold your Byrna as well as nylon holsters designed for compact 9mm handguns. Please see the Product Spec Sheet for more info.
Byrnas not equipped with an orange tip because they are not toys. The orange tip is designed to convey that “gun” is not an actual weapon. The Byrna is a weapon, albeit a less-lethal weapon. Accordingly, we do not sell to anyone under 18.