Is It Legal to Shoot CO2-Powered Air Guns in Your Backyard?

A Woman Using A CO2 Powered Air Gun

CO2-powered air guns use carbon dioxide cartridges to shoot pellets or BBs. You'll probably see them used sometimes as backyard activities like target practice and recreational shooting.

Always check the local CO2 gun laws before you even start to use one in your yard. This helps you stay away from any legal issues. Regulations sometimes change depending on where you live. If you're confused about the rules, it could result in fines or other legal consequences. It's a good idea to be informed and stay on the right side of the law.

It's also important to think about safety and how your actions could affect the neighborhood. Make sure you're not bothering your neighbors or putting anyone in danger. This way, you help keep a friendly relationship with those around you, and you keep everyone safe.

Let's talk about this topic and learn how you can have fun while staying legal!

Note: We are not attorneys, and this information should not be taken as legal advice. Laws vary by location, and for guidance specific to your situation, please consult a qualified lawyer who is familiar with the regulations in your area.

What Are CO2 Powered Air Guns?

CO2-powered air guns are an effective self-defense option and give you a ton of flexibility.

For example:

  • You can shoot self-defense ammo, pellets, BBs, or training ammo (depending on the type of air gun).
  • You can use them as a less-lethal self-defense option to effectively stop threats in their tracks, or you can blast holes through soda cans for fun.
  • They aren't treated the same as a handgun so you also have flexibility on storage, travel, and concealment - depending on where you live.
  • CO2 lets you fire multiple rounds back to back, so they are semi-automatic. This makes them much easier to use than something like a spring-powered airsoft gun, and also much more powerful. 

All you need is to insert CO2 cartridges (usually 12-gram or 88-gram capsules) into the gun. Then, whenever you pull the trigger, the gas drives the round right out of the barrel.

It's worth mentioning that CO2 guns are a bit different from Pre-Charged Pneumatic (PCP) air guns, which store compressed air in a tank. The performance of CO2 guns can also change with the temperature. Just to give you an example - if you're shooting on a chilly day, the results could be different than if you're shooting on a warm day. It's like how your car's tire pressure behaves in different weather. CO2 guns only need a new CO2 cartridge to refill, which makes them quick and easy to keep compared to PCP guns that need pumps or air tanks to refill.

Also, unlike spring-powered air guns, which need manual cocking before each shot, CO2 guns allow you to fire multiple times without having to stop and reload the cartridge. Imagine yourself shooting at cans in your backyard without having to reset after every shot! And, of course, if you are faced with an attacker, not having to reload is a giant advantage.

A Woman Using A Byrna CO2 Powered Rifle

CO2 air guns are used for target practice, casual plinking, pest control, and of course - self defense. They give you quick-firing action and their rounds pack a surprising amount of power behind them. 

Just like any firearm, safety and responsibility matter whenever you're using any type of air gun. Just to give you an example, in cities like Sacramento, shooting BB guns or pellet guns in your backyard is not allowed. 

You should always handle your CO2 gun with the same respect you'd give any firearm. Be sure to wear protective gear like safety glasses, and always make sure your shooting area is clear of bystanders. Also, watch where your pellets or BBs go - nobody wants to upset a neighbor or worse, have someone mistake your air gun for an actual firearm. When you keep your CO2 gun clean and well-maintained it makes sure it keeps working well and also helps you stay safe while using it.

Also, remember that while airsoft guns, BB guns, and CO2 guns are often used interchangeably, this is a mistake. CO2 guns can seriously maim and injure someone, and airsoft guns have much less muzzle velocity behind their projectiles. They are dangerous weapons that are in a different tier than something like paintball guns these are not a toy. 

Can You Use Them Legally?

To learn how to safely use CO2-powered air guns in your backyard, you have to stay compliant with local laws. Different states and cities have their own sets of rules so it's important for you to know them.

Just to give you an example, in New Jersey, you need a Firearm Identification Card to use CO2-powered air guns because they're treated like firearms. You can't just step outside and start shooting - local ordinances sometimes prohibit this.

Laws can be a little quirky. In places like Fort Worth, Texas, you're not allowed to shoot an air gun in your backyard, and the fines can vary from $500 to $2,000. Planning a fun weekend for the kids? Well, in Sacramento, California, minors can't own BB guns, and it's also illegal for anyone to use them within city limits. You really need to know this kind of information if you want activities to be fun and legal.

A Man Using A Byrna Pistol

First, start by checking state and local government websites, which usually have sections with specific regulations. You'll want to start with areas like local law enforcement or your state's Division of Fish and Wildlife. Still confused? You can always contact your local police department or a law enforcement officer for clearer input. Their advice will help you steer away from unintentionally breaking the law. You'll stay away from any unpleasant consequences - this step makes sure you get accurate details directly from the right sources.

I have seen it in New York. Just to give you an example, while state law could let you own a CO2-powered air gun at 16, cities like New York City or Buffalo have stricter rules. So, you could be in compliance in one town but violating the law a few miles away. This shows the difficulty of local ordinances and reminds you that complete research is really needed.

Take New Jersey again. A pellet gun with a built-in silencer could get you hit with a fourth-degree criminal offense. This really goes to show how serious the consequences can be, so compliance is not a suggestion - it's a must!

The Safety Rules and Tips

You always have to treat your CO2-powered air gun as if it's loaded.

This rule is an easy one but it's really important. Accidents usually happen because someone thought the gun wasn't loaded. I heard of someone who casually waved his air gun around in his backyard. He thought it was safe. But then a BB misfired and chipped his neighbor's window - it could've been much worse. You'll want to make sure the muzzle is always pointed somewhere safe, away from people, pets, and anything breakable. Always remember safety first. This strategy helps keep you away from potential injuries.

You can never skip wearing protective gear. When you're using your air gun, glasses can give you a good defense against stray projectiles. Ear protection is as important since even quieter air guns can interfere with your hearing over time. Imagine losing some of your hearing just because you underestimated how loud an air gun could be.

Byrna Pistols And Projectiles

Think about your shooting area too. You'll need a reliable backstop to catch any projectiles that could miss your target. Also, stay mindful of what's behind it. If you're shooting in your backyard, stay away from hard surfaces or water to keep away from potential ricochets. If you have people or obstacles nearby, it's time to find another place. A friend of mine once set up a decent target range but realized - maybe a little too late - that he was shooting too close to the garden shed. He saw a few dents. This kind of planning really helps save you from similar mistakes.

You should always be supervising younger users. Kids don't completely realize the dangers. They could forget to use the safety the right way or point the gun somewhere dangerous. You have to make sure they understand how to handle and shoot the CO2 gun safely before they are ready to practice alone. Always keep an eye on them when they are shooting. Your supervision generally makes sure of their safety and helps them develop safer habits.

Store and keep your gun the right way to guarantee safety. You should always keep it unloaded away from ammo and out of reach of children. Regular checks can help you stay away from malfunctions. I used to have a CO2 gun that jammed regularly just because I didn't keep it the right way and properly maintain it.

Know the legal side of owning an air gun and make sure you're up to date on local laws. Some areas have strict rules, while others could be more flexible. Ignoring them could get you into trouble. No one wants a surprise visit from the police during what should just be a casual backyard shooting session. When you're aware of the legalities, you're staying compliant and also staying away from any unexpected legal issues.

Neighborhood and Community

You're going to be shooting CO2-powered air guns in your backyard, and it will have an effect on the neighborhood and community. The noise could be disruptive (even though CO2 guns are usually quieter than other air rifles). Your neighbors could start to find the sound disruptive and could end up complaining about it. Now imagine you're relaxing on a Saturday morning, and all you hear are repetitive sounds coming from next door. That's not exactly something anyone would like!

Again, you'll want to think about safety. Concerned neighbors could end up calling the authorities if they start to feel unsafe, especially if there's any recent history of careless behavior in the area. Your choices will have direct results on how protected everyone feels nearby.

Damage to private property is another thing you should really think about. Pellets or BBs that escape your shooting area can end up hitting windows, fences or even garden ornaments. One careless shot could shatter a neighbor's window which can then cause tension, repair bills and frustrations for everyone involved. This matters because you're directly affecting others' property and creating avoidable costs. Be very careful when you're target shooting.

So, you should inform your neighbors before creating a backyard shooting range to build some trust. People sometimes like a heads-up on things like this. You could even find someone who shares your interest!

Two Men Talking To Each Other

You're probably also going to need good barriers. A good backstop is a must. You could also think about sound-dampening traps or quieter targets to cut back on the noise. Try to limit shooting to times when it's less likely to disturb others, like late mornings or early afternoons. This helps you stay away from bothersome disruptions during quiet hours or family mealtimes.

Always remember the feelings and safety of those around you. Make sure you're wearing protective gear, ensure the area behind your target is always clear, and watch out for any potential ricochets. This strategy shows you're thoughtful about safety and considerate of others.

Most of all, remember to review your local laws and ordinances. Some places have strict rules against shooting any type of gun, CO2 air guns included, within city limits. When you are legally compliant, it helps you stay away from fines or having your equipment taken away. Besides, it shows that you respect community rules and keeps you out of trouble with the law.

If backyard shooting starts to feel like it could cause more problems than it's worth, you could want to think about alternatives. Things like Airsoft guns with biodegradable BBs or heading to designated shooting areas could help you stay away from potential issues. It's worth finding ways to enjoy your hobby without creating issues for your neighbors.

What Are the Risks and Liabilities?

When it comes to shooting a CO2-powered air gun in your backyard, it can be helpful to know the dangers and liabilities. At the end of the day, personal injuries are a serious worry. Imagine an innocent mistake leading to a bad injury - it's happening more than you think. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia reports that nearly 7,000 children are treated for air gun injuries each year.

You should also think about property damage. While it happens less sometimes, it's still an issue. Air gun projectiles can bounce off hard surfaces or hit structures at close range - this could cause potential repairs and extra costs like a small-scale demolition effort gone wrong (not what you had in mind for backyard fun!).

Legal consequences add another layer of concern. Air gun injuries can cause criminal and civil liabilities. You could find yourself dealing with legal issues for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. In states like Michigan, air guns are treated under the same laws as firearms - meaning there are steep legal responsibilities. I've seen cases like one in California where even if criminal charges weren't pursued, civil action still followed. That means legal bills can pile up faster than you'd expect, which makes a dent in your savings.

A Judge In A Courtroom

The financial implications are nothing to brush off. If you're responsible for air gun injuries or damages, you could be on the hook for medical costs and lost income. That's a hit to your wallet you'd really stay away from. Manufacturers of defective air guns may also face large settlements. You can imagine the stress of dealing with legal claims and financial responsibilities just because of a faulty product - not what you imagine for a relaxing afternoon in the yard!

Liability insurance can cover personal injuries, property damage, and product liability claims. These specific policies can give you protection that helps take care of any gaps in your existing insurance.

Protect Yourself and Your Family

You should always think carefully about the responsibilities and possible consequences of CO2-powered air guns. You'll need to stay up to date with the local laws and always prioritize safety to keep a good relationship with your neighbors. This way, you'll stay away from fines and legal problems and keep everyone feeling safe and comfortable - which adds to the enjoyment of your activities.

You'll realize the dangers more if you ever experience a misfire or an unexpected ricochet. When you take preventative measures, it protects you and your family and also protects your property and helps keep peace within your neighborhood.

Byrna Technologies Less Lethal Self Defense

Reliable self-defense options are a big part of today's priorities. Byrna Technologies is a leader in less-lethal self-defense services, offering you peace of mind without the need for firearms. The patented pull-pierce CO2 cartridge system lets you act faster in emergencies. Byrna products are legal in all 50 states, and they don't require background checks. Plus, they're shipped directly to you - which is one of the reasons we're such a popular choice.

Our products feature air pistols, rifles, projectiles, pepper sprays, sirens, and Ballistipac backpacks. In fact, you can safely carry Byrna items in your checked luggage, with the exception of CO2 cartridges. Actually, we have tens of thousands of users across the country. Just look at their five-star reviews! They're confident in their safety when using our less-lethal tools.

Be sure to visit to check out our full catalog!


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