Byrna's Patented Pull-Pierce Technology

So if you’ve seen any of Byrna’s videos surely, you’ve heard the term Pull Pierce…

I’m talking about the piece of technology that sets Byrna above any co2 powered less lethal weapon ever made!

You see… all of the other handheld co2 powered less lethal devices on the market required an extra step to pierce the co2 cartridge before you can fire the launcher, like tapping the bottom of the magazine, twisting a screw or pulling a charging handle.

The problem is, that in a critical situation, the last thing you need to worry about is playing a game of “sock it” before you can defend yourself

In these scenarios, a successful defense is measured in tenths of seconds, and extra steps mean extra time. not to mention that having to incorporate an additional step in your training takes thousands of repetitions to become proficient and automatic.

Byrna’s patented pull pierce technology works by connecting the piercing mechanism to the trigger, so that the first time you pull the trigger, the launcher automatically pierces the cartridge with NO extra steps.

This means that in a critical incident when you are trying to defend yourself, all YOU have to remember to do is point the launcher at your target and pull the trigger and let the launcher do all the work for you.

Byrna’s pull pierce technology is just ONE of the ways that continue to be the leader in less lethal self-defense to make sure that if the time comes, YOU are prepared to defend.