Tell Us Your Story - Christian Webb

Hear how Christian used his Byrna SD to help his neighbor in a tense situation.

"One weekend, while working on my van, I heard my neighbor next door screaming. It wasn’t the usual yelling—it was more desperate. I looked over the 7-foot fence and saw one of her pit bulls attacking another, holding it by the throat. I quickly ran to my van, grabbed my Burna SD with kinetic rounds, and fired two or three shots at the attacking dog. Fortunately, the dog released its grip and ran off. My neighbor was able to get her injured dog to the vet, and thankfully, it survived and is doing well. Unfortunately, the other dog had to be put down.

I’m really grateful that no one was fatally hurt, and I was able to help save at least one dog that day. A huge thanks to Burna for providing me with an effective, non-lethal defense option.

I live in a nice area, but like most places, crime is on the rise. I wanted something to protect my family and myself, especially since my wife wasn’t comfortable with having a gun in the house. I needed something easy to use, reasonably priced, and effective. When I discovered Burna and saw that law enforcement was endorsing and using it, I knew it was the right choice for us."